In Reply to Nicole

Posted: December 27, 2013 in Hypergamy, Life, Wife, Women
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My comments at CH keep disappearing. So over on this thread, The Ten Year Cuck, I told this story:

My best friend became friends with a girl in college. He went back very late, he was 32 at the time, she was 18. A lot of guys wanted her; my friend didn’t, but they became close friends. All of them supposed Christians.
She married the worst guy possible; no job, no money, would monopolize the computer playing poker instead of letting his kids use it. They had two kids, they fist fought, he cheated, they eventually broke up, he left her with a house in foreclosure and several thousand dollars worth of credit card debt. All this time she had been setting up my friend as a Plan B.
She hooks up with my friend before the divorce ink is even dry; it’s not CLOSE to final and she’s sleeping with him, taking road trips, saying that he’s “the love of her life,: and “she’s never loved anyone the way she loves him,” and “she’d even be willing to give her life for him.” They date for about a year & half, and she starts putting the marriage squeeze on. My friend says no, heartbroken. He loved her, but he was not cleaning up her mess and marrying her.
She married her next door neighbor less than a year later; a man she’d met while she was dating my friend. She’d known my friend for 13 years; she’d known her now husband for less than six months.

This shit is real.

What’s not typical is finding a woman that actually cares about the man she’s with. Men are just a means to an end for women. And yes, AWALT.

Nicole replied thusly:

If you have an argument with this, take it up with Nature.

It’s not that we can’t genuinely love a man. It’s that, especially in the recent pussified generations, most of you have nothing real to offer a woman but children and money. Get rid of the overly romantic notions, and you become lovable to women.

A man who understands the difference between men and women conducts himself in a way that shows that he understands, so he gets quality women, how ever he judges that. Equalists behave like women are or should be men, and this turns off quality women by almost any definition, and only attracts harpies looking for an emotional punching bag. They may get settled for as an expedient last resort, but if you haven’t established dominance, don’t expect love.

It is important that you understand that (sane) women’s job is to control access and resist unless or until we find a suitable mate. Our psychology will use whatever means necessary to convince us to go for resources/status first, because this ensures the security of our offspring. Love doesn’t pay the bills.

Women sport-shagging is very recent, and I believe it will go out of style simply for practical reasons. Women just aren’t built for this, and we’re not even getting love for it. Fun neither pays the bills nor brings any emotional fulfillment.

Romantic love is a luxury that most women in the world can’t afford, even if we are capable of feeling it sometimes. Even then, the basis of it for the godliest good girl you will ever meet is the same as it is for the wickedest whore: admiration and respect.

Tell me what there is to admire in the cute guy behind the counter at the juice bar who thinks I’m his equal.

….now tell me what there is to admire in the not so cute but wealthy owner of that juice bar who thinks I’m his equal.

Of both ladyboys, which should a woman choose?

This is the choice women are being asked to make nowadays. If everybody’s either a faggot or shiftless, which Gay or stupid guy would be wisest for me to make babies with?

 My response to that is the following:

It’s not that we can’t genuinely love a woman. It’s that, especially in the recent bitchified generations, most of you have nothing real to offer a man but a good pump & dump. Get rid of the overly egalitarian notions, and you become lovable to men.

A woman who understands the difference between men and women conducts herself in a way that shows that she understands, so she gets quality men, however she judges that. Equalists behave like men are or should be women, and this turns off quality men by almost any definition, and only attracts manginas looking for a mom. They may get settled for as an expedient last resort for sex, but if you haven’t displayed submission, don’t expect love.

It is important that you understand that (sane) men’s job is to spread seed for bequeathing an estate and ensuring generational survival into non-slutty women to avoid being a cuck. Our psychology will use whatever means necessary to convince us to go for submissive, beautiful, virginal or low N count women still in their prime to marry, because this ensures the paternity of our offspring & the chances of them being raised well. Bitches just create bills.

Men being publicly shamed for extra-marital sport-shagging is very recent, and I believe it will go out of style simply for practical reasons. Men are just built for this, and we understand that it doesn’t mean you don’t love your wife. Fun shouldn’t cost a man his entire livelihood & reputation.

Lifetime monogamy is a lie that most men in the world can’t afford to buy into, because they don’t understand the predatory nature of females, and because she’s only got 15 years of being in her prime. The basis of a man’s love for the godliest good man you will ever meet is the same as it is for the wickedest cad: youth and beauty. Nobody writes music about 40+ year old women.

Tell me what there is to admire in the slutty blonde behind the counter at the juice bar who thinks she’s my equal but still wants to drain all of my resources for a body she’s been handing out for free since she was 13 years old?

….now tell me what there is to admire in the overly masculine Oprahfied bitch who owns that juice bar because she frivorced it from her first husband and claims shes “strong and independent.”

Of both entitled harpies, which should a man choose?

This is the choice men are being asked to make nowadays. If everybody’s either a raging slut or an overweight ugly masculine bitch, which shrew or stupid whore would be wisest for me to make any kind of commitment to?

If you have an argument with this, take it up with Nature.

God bless America.

  1. Nicole says:

    I have absolutely no argument with what you said. It does indeed work both ways.

    Now tell me, which ladyboy should a woman who isn’t a bitch, an overly infrastructure dependent sheep, a whore, or a masochist choose?

    I say neither, but this is only because I have a big family and therefore the luxury to, if I had needed to, become a single mom the old fashioned way with plenty of strong male role models around. It is something I do not take for granted, and I understand that not all women can afford this. So they become bitches, sheep, and whores to cope with the dearth of suitable males.

    Granted, at the start of this was some stupid females who wanted equality rather than humanity…but we’re way past that, and Pandora’s box is already opened. We’re eating the shit our parents left, and this is an old mess that will be hard to clean up without some casualties.

    • That’s the thing….exactly what is going to be the stimulus to turn it all around and move back towards healthy gender roles & expectations?

      • Nicole says:

        Raise your kids right. That’s the only thing I can think of. If you don’t have the option due to custody issues, do the best you can to inform them when you have access to them…age appropriate of course.

        Girls and boys need to know the truth, and to be steeled against the onslaught of misinformation they’ll get from the television and Hollywood.

        It has worked well for my daughter, and even though I’m long past virginity, the real-ness has improved my life. I’m the happiest 40+ woman on the market I know. Things aren’t perfect, but I’m getting my needs met without nearly as much drama and confusion as the past. I admit I will just always find something to complain about.

  2. thegirlwithamindofherown says:

    I don’t live in this reality. Sorry.

  3. deti says:

    This exchange between RPSMF and Nicole is a good, concise exposition of the primary problem. Lots of unattractive men with little to offer other than meal tickets (if even that). Lots of low value women with little to offer other than their bodies.

  4. deti says:

    Well, RP, that’s a flippant way to answer it, but it’s accurate of course.

    The answer is women have to stop slutting around, stop making babies with attractive douches, and marry the kinds of men they say they want. Women have to improve their physical appearance and lower their standards.

    Men have to increase their attractiveness as well. They have to meet their prime social directive, which is to win. How does a man “win”? He gets good at something- a hobby, a craft, a job, a career. He earns money. He gains territory and possessions, and calls them his own. He gains mastery over his domain. From this he gains confidence.

    • But the question is……

      after you become a winner, are you then willing to share half your spoils for a woman’s company? A woman that didn’t help you earn it, and wouldn’t have spoken to you until you did? And that can legally take it against your wishes without even having to act like a wife?

  5. […] another woman has more than her is not news to her…it’s just news to you. That she has not one drop of apologetic blood in her body for her natural hypergamic and solipsistic ways is not news to her…it’s […]

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