Archive for the ‘Hypergamy’ Category

Female Trolling 101. So since she promptly deleted my comment on this video from her YouTube channel, I had to make this post about it. She is a classic example of someone that is pretending to have taken the Pink Pill. Here’s what I said in her comments:

1) Women have burned up any good will they may once have enjoyed with men. After decades of divorce rape, property and income possession, control of the children, aborting your child without you having a say, becoming pregnant by another man while married to you and still making you pay for the child, not bonding with you because she slept with so many men prior to marriage she can no longer bond, and creating the legal and social climate of #MeToo which says clearly that you are guilty just because you’re a man, men are done. It’s not just official MGTOW men either, it’s men in general. Any good will, any benefit of the doubt, any leeway that women may have once had with males is over. But because women cannot process the choice-consequence relationship, females like this Georgia Free can’t understand that.

2) In this video she states that “traditional values women” have been made to “feel undervalued” and that the “roles of wife and mother” have been “looked down upon.” Uh huh. I’ve got just one question: by whom?

Oh, that’s right, BY OTHER WOMEN.

It was not men that insisted that women go on the pill. It was not men who insisted that women burn their bras. It was not men that insisted that women join the workforce. It was not men who insisted on everything being coed. It was not men who insisted that there must be more females in college than males. Every single act of tearing down the roles of wife, mother, and keeper at home, which women are designed for, was torn down by women themselves. So now, as per usual, they want men to come in and clean up the mess that they made.

3) Women always switch sides to wherever they think the resources are. Georgia Free, and quite a few other females, who claim to be “fleeing Feminism,” are now offering the following deal:

Let us keep all of the benefits that Feminism gave us (voting rights, birth control, control of the children, the ability to divorce rape, child support, alimony, trying a man without due process, lesser sentencing for the same crimes, access to health care and education on the taxpayer’s dime, and claiming independence while signing a man’s name every time we sign our checks), but now we want you men to pay for everything again, because we’ve realized how expensive living is, a la student loans and mortgages.


As I said in her comments, I will say again: DO. NOT. BE. FOOLED. Women are not interested in become traditional wives and mothers again. They are interested in figuring out a way to manipulate men back into paying for them as if they were traditional wives and mothers. They are still sluts and whores that will burn up their teens and twenties slutting and whoring, and try to get married between 29-34 before the wall hits. They still want to keep all of their Feminism based rights and privileges. There still will be no guarantees for you as a man under Marriage 3.0 except her debts.



Additional Reading:

Not News to Them

Too Little, Too Late

Women Who Live Life in Reverse

American Woman

Posted: September 30, 2018 in Hypergamy, Women
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Lenny Kravtiz prophesied the truth a long time ago.

So our friend Georgia is back with another video on why women like bad boys. None of the reasons listed are news to anyone in the Manosphere.

What I want to address for the men is: use the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT that this woman is using in the video when oldies, fatties, uglies, sluts and whores want to marry you.

A man’s testicles only get fired up over youth, beauty, and fertility; because they represent an opportunity to pass on our genes. And it’s supposed to come sealed with virginity, that’s a feature that God built into women. They’re supposed to be all yours if you are to wife them.

What man would argue against that truth? So when women present themselves to you as slutty, fat, used up, wrinkled, full of attitude, old, ugly, and disagreeable, yet they are asking for a lifetime contract, the proper response men, is to laugh right in their faces. I’ll say it again, women only have fifteen years to be any of what we want. Here is a Woman’s Timeline. Than that version of them that we want goes away and she’s never coming back.

And women have the NERVE to ask you for a lifetime contract, and lifetime payments, based on fifteen years. So men, no longer be afraid or ashamed or apologetic about your attraction to youth, beauty and fertility. Also, reinstate this standard: no hymen, no diamond. When all of that goes away, or when a woman has wasted and abused her husband-getting gifts, say the same thing women say: my testicles aren’t on fire for nice girls if they’re fat, used up, and old.


Posted: September 25, 2018 in Hypergamy, Solipsism, Women
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I realize that I am giving her exactly what she wants by doing this, which is attention, but it’s just too good of an example to pass up.

I want you to watch a few of the videos of this entitled Gwyneth Paltrow wannabe who’s so afraid of the wall, she’s whining about it before she actually hits it. But at no point does she take responsibility for wasting her youth, beauty and fertility on her education and career.

She wasted her man getting gifts, and now her man getting years will soon be coming to a close and she can’t deal. She is one of the best examples of what I tell you all the time: women live in a movie that’s playing in their heads, they don’t live out here in the real world like men do.


Ephesians 5:22-24 (NKJV)

22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.

Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

That’s what the scripture says. But why does it say that?

If you begin to understand the basic differences between male and female thinking, you’ll understand why women have to submit.

Male Thinking

  • Factual
  • Logical
  • Linear
  • Objective

Female Thinking

  • Solipsistic & non-factual
  • Emotional
  • Circular & Self-Centered
  • Subjective

This is what I wish I could make every man living understand. She is not your equal. She is not your head, Christ is. You do not listen to her. You listen to Christ. And she is literally not capable of processing information the same way you do.

1) As a man when your brain is presented with information, you can at least process and analyze it factually. You can perceive it for what it is.

When women get information, women have a movie playing in their heads. That movie is written by them, produced by them, directed by them, and it’s starring them. Women are solipsistic, they believe that only that movie playing in their heads is real. They think that no matter what else is going on before their very eyes, what they think inside that brain is the only reality. This is why sometimes when you’re talking to women, they come out of NOWHERE with something that has no basis in reality. It doesn’t live anywhere but in their heads, but they swear it’s real. As a man, you know better.

2) As a man, when you get information, you can use logic to process it. You can stack facts and reach the bottom line, men are hardwired to do so. You also know, even if you don’t like it, that how you feel about it doesn’t change anything. Emotions don’t change facts.

When women get info, they process it according to how it makes them feel. Women do not see with their eyes, they see with their feelings. It’s why women have a greater tendency to struggle with anorexia, bulimia, and plastic surgery addition. Because when women look in a mirror, they don’t see what’s there; they see how they feel about themselves. It’s why fat chicks can lose so much weight they are skin and bones, and still think they’re fat. Because they feel fat. It’s also why fat chicks can walk around like they’re a size 2 and they’re a size 10. Because if someone told them enough that they were pretty and skinny, then they feel pretty and skinny, and they think it’s real. It’s why your wife can have a dream about you cheating, and wake up mad at you. She saw it in her head, she had emotions about it, now to her it’s real. And she needs you to say something different to counter how she feels.

3) As a man, you can think in a straight line. This is one of the greatest strengths we have as men. We can go from A to B in a straight line, and we can do it over and over again. We actually delight in doing so. You also know better as a man than to take everything personally. Everything is not about you.

Women? They think in circles. When something gets in their heads, it spins around and around. Her mind keeps it spinning, and you can see that reflected in the way women talk. They can talk about something over and over and over again, ad nauseum, and never reach a conclusion. Never reach a bottom line. Because it’s spinning circularly in her head.

A woman’s worldview is also completely self-centered. And when I say completely, I mean completely. Every thought in a woman’s head could be subtitled “About me.” If you want to understand what’s coming out of a woman’s mouth, just start or finish every sentence with “about me.” All of a sudden her thoughts and actions will make sense to you. It’s also why women have a LIMITLESS ability to make whatever’s happening be about them. You can make an offhanded comment, she’ll take it and spin it in her self-centered thinking and take it personally. That’s why as a man you eventually learn: you always have to watch what you say and do around her. Because she’s going to translate everything as if it’s about her.

4) As a man, you can be much more objective. Objectivity is a result of the first three traits, factual, logical and linear thinking. You can see something as apart from yourself, and you can see it for what it is. You can also evaluate it based on its own merits, and not how you feel about it. Not that we don’t have blind spots as men, because we do, but this kind of processing is still easier for us. It’s why you have to shut your mind off when a fat, unattractive chick is talking about how skinny and beautiful she is. Your man-mind immediately processes what is factually in front of you, and you have to lie as to not hurt her feelings.

Women? Everything for them is subjective. We talk about this all the time in the Manosphere as the Rationalization Hamster. (Check out some excellent articles here at Dalrock’s and The Rational Male to learn more about that.) A woman can twist anything in her mind to fit her narrative. A woman can justify any behavior after the fact. A woman says that she is not a slut because she has only slept with 100 men, N=100. Whereas her friends have all slept with 120+ men, N=120+, so she is therefore not a slut. Insert eye-roll here. Her constant subjective processing is a result of the first three: solipsism, emotional processing, through a circular & self-centered worldview.


Now there is so much more to everything listed above. I’m just scratching the surface with each topic. But when you get those basics down, you’ll begin to see why the Creator says that women are to submit. She literally cannot process the same way you can, and she’ll never see it the way you do. She will swear, suh-WEAR that what she’s seeing is right, and it will be based on how she feels. Why do you think that you constantly have to lie to get along with them?

“Does this make my butt look big?”

“I’m so fat. I look pregnant, don’t I?”

“No, everyone tells me I still look 25. I do, don’t I?”


So we already know their reaction to everything I’m saying. Without exception, the females will say:

“ALL women aren’t like that. I’m not like that. MEN DO IT TOO!”

which as men, we know proves our point. Because AWALT.


All you have to do to make her mad? Is tell her the factual, objective truth about anything.

Tell her as a man you love to spread your seed, and staying faithful to her is a daily fight that she’ll never fully understand. Well she’ll just lose her mind with THAT little tidbit of truth, won’t she? “No!” she’ll scream. “YOU’RE JUST SUPPOSED TO WANT ME!” There’s another example of everything I said above. In her head, she’s always the prettiest woman in the room. In her mind, there’s something special about her lady parts that’s somehow different, better, and above all the other girls. In her mind, your desire is only for her. And any evidence to the contrary will be met with hysterics, because it contradicts the movie playing in her head.


This is why she has to submit. Her perceptions are not even accurate. She’s designed to need headship. Which is Christ and you. She can’t process out here in the real world like we can. This is why feminized thinking ruins everything it touches. This also is another reason why we as men need to be in submission to Christ ourselves. We need to be sure we’re following the right path and plan as laid out by the Creator.

=Action Challenge=

This week, men, I want you to take a step back. I want you to count how many times you lie to your wife, or any woman, so as to not hurt her feelings. I want you to make an internal inventory of how many times a day, to deal with a woman, you have to shut your factual and objective process off. Watch how she manipulates you to draw you into her internal movie, and make you say what she wants to hear. Then you’ll understand how Feminists brainwash men, and you can see the results in the society American Feminism has given us. Ask yourselves men, do you want this to continue?

Not a blog this time for my favorite, but a video. Manospherians are quite familiar with The Sandman. I know this was released at the end of August, but I still wanted to feature it now, because it’s so powerful. Also because #WomenAgainstFeminism is still a thing. This video really speaks for itself: Also check it out on Sandman’s MGTOW site here. I really vibe with this sentiment, as I personally tend to have a long memory. I really hope that men never forget that women’s hypergamous strategy has been laid bare by Feminism, and you will never get her best.

So why should you give her yours?

Solipsistic in HereIf you ever wanted a glimpse into the thinking of today’s woman, a glimpse into what single men have to choose from, a glimpse into what turned PUAs and MRAs into what they are, I present to you Lauren Martin, and her article from the Feminist Scriptures:

Why Women Need To Start Asking Men Out…Because Men Have No Balls

There are just too many buckets of solipsistic gold in that article to miss, but I want to highlight a few of my favorite warpings of reality from this woman.

In her introduction she describes her disappointment in today’s men, and paints a picture of unyielding strong-women-weak-menbleakness for any girl hoping to live her dream:

Ladies, it’s been said before, but I’ll say it again: They just don’t make ‘em like they used to.

There’s no door-holding, no hand-holding and definitely no free drinks. There’s no taking off hats or courting through invitations. There are no smooth moves, no jackets to dinner. There are no flowers, no tables by candlelight. But, most importantly, there are no dates.

After too many nights spent in bars and one too many phone numbers given out, you’ve probably realized the sad truth of the situation. You’re not going on any dates or being courted in any type of manner because, unfortunately, men these days are cowards.

Funny how she completely displays her lack of understanding of the male psyche. No true man is a coward. It does not, and obviously will not, occur to her that today’s woman is no prize. There’s nothing there to be won. Men aren’t afraid to pursue….it’s that the end goal simply isn’t worth any pursuit. Not beyond a pump and dump. She continues on in her solipsistic brilliance to prove why.

Well — to be fair here — not all men, but a lot of them.

We’re dealing with a new breed of men here and it’s not the kind we grew up dreaming about. It’s the want-what-I-want-but-don’t-know-how-to-get-it type; it’s the sweet and cuddly mama’s boys who grow up terrified of making the first move; it’s the guys who have so much to say but don’t know how to say it.

Not really, no. It’s the men who grew up under Title IX, men who’ve watched other men get Divorced Raped over and over again, men watching the False Rape Accusation circus, feeling the ball crushing truths of being forced to take the Red Pill, the Death of the Nice Guy, men observing the brain crunching illogical fallacy named ‘The Slutwalk‘ and men who have been Divorce_Cakes_6cruelly exposed to the true nature of women. These men do indeed know how to say what they mean….and what they mean is, “no thanks.”

Now, the unfortunate paradox for a woman is that she must be the chased and the chaser. She must be the target and the shooter. She must play coy and simultaneously pursue him.

Anyone notice the problem here? Yet again, women are left to do all the work. We’re left playing both sides of the game because they’ve simply forgotten how to play.

It stems from a number of factors, but most prominently from the fact that men don’t know what the hell they want from us. They want the virgin and the whore. The want the slut and the good girl. They want the girl who’s hard to get, but they don’t know how to get her.

Because they don’t know what they want, they end up chasing nothing. It’s the dilemma of the overcrowded buffet. There are too many options so they choose an empty plate… or something they don’t even like to begin with.SONY DSC

This leaves women making all the moves. We must tell them what they want if we’re to get anywhere close to the goals we had for ourselves. But it will never be as we fully imagined because, in our dreams, men weren’t timid or scared little boys; in our dreams, men are the ones with the balls to ask us out.

Oh, poor women. They have to be the burden bearers, the risk takers, the decisions makers, the Lions and the Lambs, because us silly men are just scared little boys. Except we aren’t. To quote Judgy Bitch:

Of the 2977 people killed on September 11th, 2001, 414 were NYC emergency personnel who responded to the attack. 341 firefighters, 60 police officers, 8 EMTs and 3 court officers.

Two of those responders were women. The other 412 were men.

Full article here.

The unflappable Ms. Martin then goes on to tell us exactly what is to blame for the current sorry state of men.

They’re scared of you

They’ll never admit it, but you scare the hell out of them. After years of social conditioning, we’ve been duped into thinking that men are the strong ones; that they are the leaders, the protectors and the fighters; that they are the ones that see what they want and go after it.

Well, TV lied to you. Men aren’t these masculine displays of strength and perseverance.

Men are shy, timid and scared sh*tless of any woman with half a brain.

That’s pretty much what it takes to believe that, half a brain. Men have more fear? Incorrect. Women have less value. But she continues.

They got it from their mamasMamasBoy2

Why are men like this? Well, for years they’ve been raised by their mamas, the women who told them they were the best thing God created on this earth. For years, they’ve been given everything on a silver platter — up until the end of college when they were picking up women who just threw up their jungle juice.

Can’t you just smell the cauldron of irony? This coming from a culture that has spent countless ergs of energy championing and supporting single motherhood in spite of the fact that there is overwhelming evidence that children of single mothers do worse in life. But there’s more.

They think there’s always someone better

In the society in which we live today, with Gigi Hadid and Miranda Kerr’s Instagrams readily accessible, women have got a lot to compete with. Fortunately, we’re competing with women these men will never have a shot with. Unfortunately, these men don’t seem to know this.

This is just pure textbook projection. Checkout Exhibit A.

They never grew up

Immature WomenIn a sad, but not all that surprising, report by Nickelodeon UK, men are 11 years behind women in maturity. While women reach maturation by 32, men aren’t fully matured until 43. While this study garnered much attention, women everywhere were less than surprised. Didn’t we already know this?

Men never grow up, hmmm? I’ll just let these gifs right here deal with that. And her conclusion is that the current low rates of marriage are again, the sole fault of males:

To add insult to the few dates you have yet to be asked on, men are also getting married less than ever before. According to a study by Pew Research Center, only 26 percent of Generation-Y is married.

Compared to the 48 percent of our parents at this age, there’s no denying that men just don’t have their sh*t together.

Right, right, because it’s clearly men that are delaying marriage these days. Oh wait.

But the pièce de résistance of this whole piece? The fact that Ms. Martin has failed at everything she’s touched:


Lauren “LMoney” Martin grew up with one goal: to be the first woman engineer. Upon finding out there already were women engineers, and unable to pass Calc 1, she chose to study the beautiful and honorable art of advertising. After advertising proved uninspiring, she attempted a career in acting which was over before she could get on stage. And when she failed at everything else she decided to become a writer.

Yes, those lousy men. Too bad they just can’t get their crap together. Even though she has money in her nickname, and she can’t seem to generate any of her own. Even though, as Rollo tweeted today, all the richest women in the world got their wealth from men. That’s right, the Strong and Independent Woman makes money the old fashioned way….she marries into it. Or divorces into it. Or just inherits it. No work involved but the paperwork when you have a vagina.

If women are still wondering why they can’t get married, they should take a good look at Ms. Martin’s expressed thoughts. Men have to pay even if there’s just an engagement, and this is what’s waiting for you, you lucky man! I can’t understand why today’s man would be eschewing marriage, when even so-called Christian woman are rewriting the Bible to make sluthood a virtuous and holy thing. All men today have to look forward to is a washed up carousel rider who’s counting on your income, present and future, to support her while she blames you for every ill in the world. No virtue, no focus on family, delaying marriage, delaying motherhood, hateful attitudes towards men and a totally hostile court system to enforce her every accusation against you with no proof necessary other than her word.

You’ve come a long way, baby.Strong IND 3Strong IND 2

Strong IND

God Loves SlutsHas to be this one(Dalrock did a post on it, and I commented extensively there, but I thought I’d add my two cents in a post of my own), where losing virginity outside of marriage is now a new way to experience God’s love:

What is just astounding in that entire post is the language, and the Female Hamster in Turbo Overdrive. There should no longer be any doubt among Manospherians that females have the ability to rationalize anything, ANYTHING, and justify their behavior by their emotions. HAMSTERAnd have no qualms in twisting, warping, or downright ignoring clear scripture to do so. There is no upper limit to the Hypergamy Hamster.




Let’s look at some passages that she wrote, verbatim, altering them only to seem as if a man had written them:

When I started dating my then-girlfriend, a lapsed Catholic, I hadn’t been to church in over a year, though I still made an effort to pray and study the Bible. My new job was at a church ministry where I disagreed with the leadership’s theology. Proponents of the purity movement would say that I was falling away from the faith and that’s why I started fooling around with women. I no longer had a deep connection with Christ that I was supposed to have, which made me vulnerable to the manipulations of The World.

But this wasn’t my case at all, and the flattening of such a narrative does a disservice to the complexity of faith. Losing my virginity wasn’t the end result of falling away from my faith – it was the beginning of a renewal, of learning to love God and my neighbors more deeply and fully than ever before.

HAH. Can you see a guy justifying his promiscuity in this way and still punching his Christian Card? There’s more:

This also isn’t a conversion story of how losing my virginity made me realize how far away I’d fallen and now I’m chastened, back on the straight-and-narrow and celibate. I’m not celibate and I’m dating around. And I’m a Christian whose faith, at this point, is probably stronger than at any point in my younger years. And I know that this faith, this commitment, wouldn’t have been possible had I not actively made the decision to give up on purity.

Purity, for me and for many men, became a distraction from the Gospel. In evangelicalism, purity is so closely tied to a salvation message that loss of purity is necessarily painted as a loss of faith – and this leaves many men wondering what happens if they do make the decision to have sex, even if it’s in the “right” circumstances. Learning to have sex without shame often creates a crisis of faith because we’re told for years and years that sex is shameful, scary and not something men should want.

HAHAHAH! Keeping it in mah pants was a distraction from the Gospel, so gettin’ my rocks off and forgetting about that whole ‘no fornication’ thing sure did increase mah faith! But here’s the cherry(HUGE punnage intended) on top of it all:

For me, making the decision to have sex without shame, to own that part of myself and to make those decisions, has only improved my faith and my understanding of God’s love. Sex liberated me from my puritanical judgment and strict ideas about what’s right and wrong. It taught me to meet people where they are – just as Jesus did – and in that way, it became a different kind of sacrament. I judge people less now. I don’t wrap my faith up in whether or not I’m performing the rules in the right way. And I understand God’s love for God’s people on a deeper, more personal level than ever before.

Losing my virginity outside of a marriage relationship taught me how to be a better person and a better Christian. It challenged my presuppositions about what sexual health looks like, and brought into stark relief the gaps in my education about ethics and holiness. Sex, in this way, can be a sacrament, a movement toward understanding God, a form of holiness experienced in a deep, mystical way. Sex can be holy, whether or not you have a ring on your finger.


Lot. About to make some BABIES!

Lot. About to make some BABIES!

I don’t understand. Why can’t men make this same argument?

I’ll ask it again…..why isn’t this a beautiful, deeply spiritual, Gospel-enhancing experience if men do it? If Jesus made love to Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary Salome, Martha(Lazarus’ brother) and all the other women that followed Him, He’s still just as much the Savior, right? Sluts say Yes

More proof that Red Pill Truths are indeed accurate, Ravens running back Ray Rice is planning to address the media at 3 p.m. Friday for the first time since he was charged with knockingI give you exhibit 238392232nthX1239 to the umpteenth power, Janay Rice:

janay rice

flushingSo, Manosphere articles, posts, blogs, and books can pretty much be summed up as always falling into one of three categories:

1) Female Hypergamy

2) The Male Need for Game

3) Watching 1) and 2) play out in real life

But I’m here to restate this question: How does it all end? Or, more accurately, what is the next Big Thing in male/female relations?

We’ve examined, over and over again, the actual and accurate basics of the Female Imperative. We’ve debunked, time and time again, the false claims of Feminism. More and more men are awakening to the Blue Bill Betaness inside of them, and realizing what their prospects are without nutting/Gaming up. More men are adopting some level of MGTOW, after seeing the awful deal that is Marriage 2.0. That’s not what I’m talking about right now. What I’m talking about now is, what will the next huge cultural shift be? What’s the future that results from all of this going to look like?

Will it be filled with frustrated Betas that finally decide to become MGTOW? Will there simply be less males in the world in NGWOTgeneral? Will the U.S. regress to an earlier time, like the return of Finishing School for women and male chivalry, or go extreme hardcore women-are-property like many countries in the Middle East? Or will enough men with enough power realize that shipping in beautiful wife trained women from other countries will shine an even greater light on how worthless the 21st century American female is? Or will we just go straight on Logan’s Run and say that nobody gets to live past the age of 30?

There aren’t really any stats that I’m aware of that track the number of married Beta men, as being a “Beta Man” isn’t an easily measurable demographic. So let’s look at this article from last year to examine the number of weddings in total:

From 2007 to 2009, the number of marriages each year fell from 2.197 million to 2.080 million. The report estimates that more than 175,000 weddings have been postponed or foregone since the recession began.

Sociologist and demographer Wendy Manning, co-director of the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio, says the projected wedding increases “might be overly optimistic.”

“They seem to think the number of weddings is going to increase. That’s possible,” she says. But “not all those marriages are going to be among those young people entering into their first marriages. The report is focusing on the Echo Baby Boomers entering into their marrying years, which is true, but my issue is that one-third of marriages are remarriages, and the remarriages are not among the young people.”

A report based on 2010 data issued by her center last year found that 31% of all people who married that year were remarrying.

The new forecast predicts the marriage rate to remain at the record low of 6.8 marriages per 1,000 population for 2013 (where it’s been since 2009) and notes that the rate was 7.3 in 2007, just before the downturn. In addition, the report predicts that when these couples take their first vows, they’ll probably be older than brides and grooms in the past. By 2015, the company predicts, the average age at first marriage will rise to 29.2 for men and 27.1 for women, up from 28.2 for men and 26.1 for women in 2010.


6.8 marriages per 1,000 people, with most of the remarriages being among the young, with everybody pushing 30 before getting married, with same sex marriages stats not even being fully tabulated yet. And now, the number of divorces:

Marriage and Divorce

Data are for the U.S.

  • Number of marriages: 2,118,000
  • Marriage rate: 6.8 per 1,000 total population
  • Divorce rate: 3.6 per 1,000 population (44 reporting States and D.C.

That’s an astonishingly low number of people even braving the waters of marriage, with over half of them wanting out, with women initiating said outness 60-70% of the time:

So if we’re assuming a 5% Alpha Rate, that means that 2 million or so of these marriages(when factoring in Gammas and Deltas) are Beta Marriages. Everyone keeps claiming that the current climate is unsustainable, for genetic, social, and economic reasons(and yes I know those stats are not broken down by age or ethnic group). They say that neither Beta Men nor the State are going to be willing to keep furnishing women with all the rights, all the property, all the education, full control over the children, and all of the income forever, 042014_marrying_807with men paying the bill either through taxes, alimony, or child support.

So what’s the next step?

Every state rushing to legalize prostitution? Doubtful, but if you want to read an experienced perspective on that, check out The Honest Courtesan.

My personal feeling is that Polygamy will begin to surge in the U.S.; with women experiencing less and less available men, they will be more honest about their desire to share an Alpha Male than be stuck somewhere with a schlubbing Beta.

There also might be room for Marriage 3.0….something that on the surface seems more equitable for men, but again, it will be aimed primarily at the Beta Men still wanting to marry.

So what do Manospherians think? What will the next big Cultural Shift be?next-big-thing-ahead