Red Pill Rules Post #3: The Bottom Line

Posted: January 4, 2014 in Life, Men, Red Pill Rules, Women
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men-love-womenTime for another dose of Red Pill Rules, and this time we’re talking about the Bottom Line in male/female romantic relationships.

1. When it comes to Women, Men do not love you. Men love it.

The only reason men are interested in women is because men need sex. Physical release of our semen into a vagina. (Although boobs are nice to look at/touch/motorboat too.) Your desire as a man to boff her is the only thing that makes you put up with her crap, sign an awful legal contract to pay for her for the rest of your life, and anything else you can file under the category of “why men love women.” Because, consider this:

What if you could have the perfect wife in every other way? What if you could find the perfect cook, supermodel pretty, perfect mother for your children, she could always look like she’s 22, never embarrass you, always support you, loves your parents, lets you watch football in peace….but you can never make love to her. Ever. No sex whatsoever.

Do you still want to marry her? Gee, I wonder why not.

Because we don’t love them. We love it. And the only way that women keep us “in love” with them is to give us good experiences with it. And if we can’t get it from our wives, the ones we pledged our lives to, we will get it somewhere else. Masturbation, porn, mistresses, prostitutes. Why is the Sex Worker industry so lucrative, with 99% of workers being women, and 99% of clients being men? Why is pornography so ubiquitous? The answers are all the same….because men love it. And it never matters how good your wife looks, or how good she is to you, when some new vagina crosses your field of vision, you can’t stop thinking about it. And it takes everything you have to stay faithful. When we do cheat, we make statements like “it didn’t mean anything” and “she meant nothing to me.” And why? Because it’s true…you wanted it, not her.

Marriage, as defined by men = Regular sexual access and(in most cases) exclusive sexual access. Everything else is a bonus.

what-men-love-women-body2. When it comes to Men, Women do not love you. Women love:

a) their idea of you

b) your status

c) your resources

Women don’t know who you are as a man, and they couldn’t possibly care less. They’ve spent years dreaming up what they think is “the perfect man” and when they get involved with you, they superimpose that pattern over the relationship. Then they spend all of their manipulative energy trying to turn you into that man. Because it’s not you that they love. It’s that idea of you in their heads that they love.

Just think about it. If she actually loved you, she wouldn’t be surprised by male behavior.

Second thing they love? Is being Mrs. You if you are a high status man. An athlete, a politician, an entertainer, a popular clergyman…they are in love with your status. Not you. Remember, you are literally invisible to a woman if you are not the most powerful man in the room. They love, love LOVE the idea of being attached to someone important, all the associated perks, and the continuous thrill of making the other women furious with jealousy.

Because what happens when an athlete, clergyman, entertainer, politician et al loses that coveted status? Their wife is divorcing them inside of six months. Where’s all their “love” then? It has been proven over and over and over again, that women don’t care about whether or not a man has morals or ethics. They are, in fact, turned on by criminals, thugs, and rebels; men that have absolutely no regard for society’s rules. Wives don’t leave a man if he cheats. They leave if the status does. And for the NAWALT females reading this, stop lying. Women only stay with a decreased status man if they can’t do any better(too old, too fat, too ugly). Period. Which leads me to the third thing women love:

They love your resources. Women are so unbelievably entitled that they actually believe that 50-75% of your resources should be theirs just because they want it, or just because you marry them. They don’t care what attaining those resources cost you….they just know that they want them. And now, by law, your divorcing wife can take them. Around the Manosphere, and now even in the mainstream, people are finally acknowledging that women have no problem marrying the State. Know why? Because women will support any kind of system that guarantees them resources. Because that’s what they care about. Not men.

Marriage, as defined by women = Unlimited lifetime access to his status, resources, and a chance to turn him into who I think he should be.

When you think of male/female relations, just remember this picture:Why-men-wants-Sex-and-Women-wants-Love

….and you’ll always have it right.

  1. monkeywerks says:

    This is so true. I have tested many of the principals I have read in the sphere in the real world. You r comment of a wife divorcing after hubs lost status hit me to my core because I experienced the same thing.

    So the question is, what do we do about it? I think that going full ignoring of women is wrong because at some point they are nice to be naked with. However refusing to commit to them, refusing marriage and things along this line might work. I would go even further and ask men to reduce their contributions to our corrupt society as much as possible, think of atlas shrugged. By working less and earning less with a same reduction of expenses our wives, of married, and future women will have less resources to steal. Shit, most women make enough anyways have them support us. You will need mad game to pull it off but that is truly women reaping what they sow.

    • The only thing you can do is keep your focus on your goals and then keep moving forward. You can’t change the nature of females any more than they can change our nature.
      They get fat and old, we’re not interested.
      We lose status and resources, they’re not interested.

      The only thing that may work is if a person is deeply committed to his or her faith. That can make a person stay and work through and past their natural tendencies.

  2. Mark says:


    “”The only reason men are interested in women is because men need sex. Physical release of our semen into a vagina. (Although boobs are nice to look at/touch/motorboat too.) Your desire as a man to boff her is the only thing that makes you put up with her crap,””

    Got the link from your post over at Dalrock’s Blog………Great article!….going to read more of your blog.Thanks!

  3. :-p says:

    “Because what happens when an athlete, clergyman, entertainer, politician et al loses that coveted status? Their wife is divorcing them inside of six months”

    There are exeptions.

  4. […] Red Pill Rules Post #3: The Bottom Line […]

  5. […] Red Pill Rules Post #3: The Bottom Line […]

  6. […] men. My blog is about men taking the Red Pill, and understanding how male/female relationships actually work, vs. the way we think they work, and/or what we’re taught to […]

  7. […] in other words, sex and hope. Which is another tacit admission that they really don’t believe that AWALT and they […]

  8. […] 15 years and then Hello Wall. No honor. No code. Unlimited apologetic hypergamy. She must be kept in check to protect her from herself. They hate working with each other. She can […]

  9. […] Impressions | RedPil… on Red Pill Rules Post #3: The Bo… […]

  10. Jude says:

    Clever and manipulative wording at best;

    “What if you could have the perfect wife in every other way? What if you could find the perfect cook, supermodel pretty, perfect mother for your children, she could always look like she’s 22, never embarrass you, always support you, loves your parents, lets you watch football in peace….but you can never make love to her. Ever. No sex whatsoever.

    Do you still want to marry her? Gee, I wonder why not.”

    Sure, this may be true for most heterosexual men, but honestly you could take away supportive, good mother, good looking and I wouldn’t want to marry her either. I also wouldn’t want to marry someone with a bad attitude. So while sex is high on the priority list, when it comes to life the rest of your life a lot of that other shit is important too. Arguably more important because you spend more time chilling with your girl than you do fucking her (because we only have so much in us.)

  11. […] proof that Red Pill Truths are indeed accurate, I give you exhibit 238392232nthX1239 to the umpteenth power, Janay […]

  12. […] Christian or not….women still want the same things. Because they are still wired the same way. There always seems to be, however, an effort among the […]

  13. Tarnished says:

    “And for the NAWALT females reading this, stop lying.”

    If a woman is one of those who are NAWALT herself, then she would still be able to see the truth of the other 98% of women who do act in such a way. But then they are told by feminism that what they see is continued female oppression (women obviously can’t make it on their own yet, they still “need” to attach themselves to a man rather than make a living for themselves) and any vagina-owner who points out exceptions is told she is “internalizing the patriarchy”.

    As for your “Men don’t love Women, Women don’t love Men” rules above, I don’t believe they apply to every relationship (for example, my own and some others I know about) but are true for the overwhelming majority. Personal experiences aside, I’d still recommend this article to most of my friends.

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